NanaZip Latest 2.0.450.0 Version Download

NanaZip-Latest Download
OS: Windows
Version: 2.0 .450.0
ขนาด: 15.3 MB
Rating: idm ถาวร ล่าสุด 2015download idm ถาวร ล่าสุดidm ล่าสุดแครก idm ล่าสุด5 Stars
NanaZip Latest Version

NanaZip is a free file management app for Windows computers. With this application, its users can open, copy, and move drives, files, and folders.

NanaZip is also quite powerful in compressing available folders and files. It is Windows compatible, you can use it for free and you can create and edit ZIP archives.

Since the ZIP archive format is a very common archive format to archive files and folders, NanaZip will always provide some really useful features to manage your files and folders. This application already supports all versions of Windows. So, for those of you still at a low Windows version, this application is able to run properly and right.

This application looks fairly neat and smooth as well. Since the application size is not so large, even you can do it lightly. You can continue to perform several activities on your computer seamlessly. Numerous characteristics as well as the greatest benefits are there in this specific app.

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NanaZip Features and Benefits

NanaZip Latest Version Download

NanaZip: a popular archive file management application. It supports also NSIS script decompilation for N-SIS archives. This application allows you to extract and create ZIP archive files. These are the features and benefits of NanaZip that you need to know.

1. WINRAR Alternative

Commonly used by computer users is the WINRAR archive file program. But if you feel inferior when you use this app, then use the NanaZip app.

You used this application as a WINRAR alternative application you can use. Files or folders you want can be created and archived. So you can easily share it for others to send it.

2. Branch Application from 7-Zip

The NanaZip app is a fork of 7-Zip. Categories, support, and a lot of excellent features in this application Such as, for example, compression and decompression. Well, this app can also encrypt your files and folders with ease.

3. Supports Various Files

By the way, nanaZip also can open and extract different kinds of files. Additional sliding is supported for file types such as TFS, MSI, UDF, RAR, CHM, and RPM. This application also has support for Fast-LZMA2, Brotli, Lizard, Zstandard, LZ4, and LZ5 codecs.

System Requirements

Operating System Windows 7, 8,10, or 11
Processor Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
RAM At least 1 GB of RAM
Free Space 200 MB of free hard drive space
Optical Drive Compatibility CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver (copy compact disc image needs)

Download the Latest NanaZip

NanaZip is an application for managing archive files, allowing you to create and extract ZIP files. This application allows you to handle files better & faster.

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ผู้พัฒนา NanaZip เซิร์ฟเวอร์
ใบอนุญาต Shareware ภาษา Multilingual
นามสกุลไฟล์ zip ขนาด 15.3 MB
รหัสผ่าน 123 สถานะ ทดสอบแล้ว

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