Pokemon Uranium Latest Version Download

Pokemon Uranium-Latest Download
OS: Windows
Version: 1.3 .1
ขนาด: 308 MB
Rating: idm ถาวร ล่าสุด 2015download idm ถาวร ล่าสุดidm ล่าสุดแครก idm ล่าสุด5 Stars
Pokemon Uranium Latest Version

Pokemon Uranium is an RPG-based fan-made game. Pokemon Origins: The Inspired Series PokemonOrigins is based on the well-known series Pokemon.

Pokemon Uranium was created by a team that goes by the names of JV and Involuntary Twitch, whose game was released for Windows having a few distinctive points that surely make it exciting for every Pokemon lover.

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Pokemon Uranium Features and Benefits

Pokemon Uranium Latest Version Download

Read all the features available to know how fun to play Pokemon Uranium.

1. New Region: Tandor

The Pokemon Uranium is set in the fictional region of Tandor. You can discover several one-of-a-kind items on this behalf like sugar, tropical forests, and volcanic regions.

Along with that, it offers a different vibe from areas in the official Pokemon game. Also, the availability of some interesting challenges for you to complete.

2. New Pokemon

One of the things that makes it attractive to the fans is the number of new Pokemon it has. The number of Pokemon is at least 200, most of whom are either fan-made Pokemon or Fakemon.

But, whoa, these Pokemon are awesome. It does show just how creative fans can get when designing Pokemon with assorted powers.

You will have a new experience with the Pokemon Uranium game as there are tons of Pokemon available. Shiny, custom, originals, and own types you never knew existed, such as the Nuclear type.

3. In-depth Story

UNOWOW has been on a quest in a world full of terror and sadness in Pokémon Uranium, the actual Pokémon series is not comparable with more and more danger and darkness. You can then choose to play as a young trainer who is all alone, your parents having died in an accident.

You are not just going on an adventure to become a Pokemon Master. Of course, you’ll also have to contend with the threat of Pokemon that become mutated due to exposure to nuclear energy and the various mysteries built around it all.

4. Nuclear Combat System

As we have explained earlier, Pokemon Uranium adds a Nuclear type which you had never found with the Pokemon series. This type has remarkable power but is usually very hard for you to manage.

This introduces a new strategic, element to the fight. So in general, Pokemon rated normally only need to worry about other rating types because this type does particularly well against every type of Pokemon out there except other Pokemon of the same type as the trainer using it.

System Requirements

Operating System Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Processor Intel Core i3 or equivalent (recommended: Core i5 or higher)
RAM 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Space 1 GB or more
Optical Drive Compatibility CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver (copy compact disc image needs)

Download the Latest Pokemon Uranium

Hence, Pokemon Uranium provides a fresh and stimulating experience. That is also why featuring as a fan-made game that you should never miss out on is the high level of fun that is packed into it, as well as a massive number of Pokemon.

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ใบอนุญาต Shareware ภาษา Multilingual
นามสกุลไฟล์ zip ขนาด 308 MB
รหัสผ่าน 123 สถานะ ทดสอบแล้ว

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